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The Italian National Faleristics Association (NAF) was born six years ago with the basic aim of developing knowledge of heraldry, genealogy, orders of chivalry and other documentary sciences of history.

NAF is a non-profit association that lives off the membership fees of its members.

To pursue its institutional goals, the National Faleristic Association intends to promote knowledge of the specific sector by spreading knowledge through the organization of cultural events that bring it closer to citizens and contextualize the historical and social framework that saw the birth of the medal or the sign.

Among the most recent projects are "Azzurro100" and in the current year we should mention "Gotica80" and "Aneliti di Legalità". Among our publications we cite "Eroi Dimenticati" and "Gotica80".

Current president of the organization: Raffaele Scozzafava.

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